Psychic experiences started to happen for me at a very young age – 3 years old was when my first premonitions started happening. Around the age of 7, I dreamed my parents divorce, and an earthquake that hit Los Angeles during that same period of time. I record my dreams simply because they’re important to me to have record of. Among others I dreamed the LA Riots, the Tsunami in Asia, the US Embassy bombings in Kenya, the Biggie-September 11th, as well as every single earthquake felt in So.Cali. All of these dreams had "witnesses" before-hand.
When I was 9 and 10 I started to have Out Of Body Experiences (OBE's), or "Astral Projections" as they're also referred to as. During the time in those early years, I didn’t understand what the experiences were. It was a traumatic time in my life, and was often afraid to go to sleep at night.
This is a dream journal: from time to time, I might also record OBE's. (which as I've said are far different from normal dream-time.) The "OBE's" or, "Astral Projections" can be found in the link section on the right of this page, under, "Astral Travels". As of now, there may only be a couple of them recorded because I've just added this new link.
The dreams I’m recording here currently, are by no means dreams I’m claiming to be prophecy, however there have been some interesting synchronistic qualities which I learned after I recorded a couple of them.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Devil's Do or Die Hand
I was on a game show, that looked something like a Broadway show straight out of a 50's version of Hell, complete with a lounge signing Devil, wearing side-burns and a red sequined zoot suit.
I sat at a card table with one other player. We were playing blackjack. We were on a stage, almost, although I had no sense of an audience. It was completely dark, except for the glow of the card table, and spotlight on the Devil man announcer, calling our moves as we were dealt cards.
We were eventually dealt what I understood to be our very last hand.
"Okay Bianca, you have one card there in your hand. The next card decides your fate."
I looked down into my palm, to see an Ace (maybe of diamonds or hearts? I remember a red shape)
"This is it folks... If you win this hand Bianca, you'll win one million dollars. If you lose, we will have kill you."
I was given another card. It was either a 6 or a 4. I wasn't aloud to keep this card to my chest, but had to show my hand as it was dealt.
"What are you gonna do, Bianca? Are you gonna stay with this, or are you going for another card?"
This moment lasted a long while, as I tried to weigh out the possibilities, and chances of busting.
He came up real close with his microphone, pressuring me to make a decision. "What are you going to do Bianca? You either bust, or you might come up short... What are you gonna do?!"
"Hit me." I said.
I don't remember what the next card was, but I busted. I lost.
He came at me, to tackle me, and I pushed him off.
"You can't do this to me!" I said. "It's not right!" I actually said for some reason, which doesn't make much sense, "I'm American, you can't do this!"
I was so frightened that I woke myself up out of sleep.
There was still more of it in my mind at that point, but I didn't write it down soon enough. It was yesterday morning that I woke up after this dream, and then later on yesterday, I was at the store and it just so happened that my friend bought me a lotto ticket. I wasn't going to write this dream down, until I realized I had it just a few hours before being bought that ticket.
It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm holding the winning ticket, or anything like that, because it could well mean something completely different. Or perhaps, it could mean both... Who knows. I do know that they draw the numbers tonight.
David Wilcock once told me that dreams are both psychological and spiritual; that there are many layers acting at once during dream-state consciousness. So, a dream can say both something about future, as well as messages coming from the astral plane, as well as the subconscious mind.
Monday, January 12, 2009
On The Shoulder of A Giant
This dream was had the night of the 7th and recorded the 8th. I was in Canada sleeping in a hotel room at the time. I believe the dream is just a simple psychological one, about feeling the need for protection and saftey.
The font is different in this blog than the others because I cut and pasted it from something I emailed to myself on my iphone and it just posted this way, and I can't figure out how to make it normal...
Dream from last night... I was in a foresty area that seemed very far from
civilization. I was with.. a tribe I think. I only remember parts of this
My husband, or boyfriend (some kind of spouse) was a huge, huge man. This is one of those strange dreams with strange occurances. The man was either a giant,
or I was a tiny person. Sometimes I feel like I was small and defenseless, and other scenes I felt like a normal sized person and he was huge. Proportionally, I was big enough to sit comfortably on his shoulder. I climbed all over him like a little monkey. Hahaha... It's the
only way I can describe it. And the most obvious thing that I felt, was saftey. It's obvious that that's what the dream was about.... He wore a tribal garb, as did I, which may have been vaugely polynasian. He carried me around this little area where there were lots of people playing and swimming around in a small pone. It seemed like a hidden village of some kind.
And that's all. :) It probably had something to do with traveling the long distance all the way to Canada, and feeling alone, like I needed a buddy or a protector in general. (Not that there was any threat there that required a protector) but just a general feeling of being in an alien enviornment with people I don't know, and being unsure of weather they liked me or not... So maybe that's where the dream came from. :)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
River Graves
Saturday, December 13, 2008
First, there are some memories within the dream of an earlier part of the dream which right now as my waking self, can't remember. What I mean specifically is, there were mentions of something called, "The Van", or simply, "Van". Also, I was almost arrested at an earlier part of the dream which right now I have almost no recollection of except for pleading with officers and then not going to jail.
There were two sepereate parts of the dream. The first was in 2nd person, and there was a narrator speaking as though I was watching a documentary. Narrators voices don't always make the dream seem like watching a documentary, but this one specifically, was. I was in a huge movie theather, and the people watching were college kids in their early 20's. They were watching what looked like a war-time propaganda film which seemed to glorify death and violence, in the light of a better tomorrow. The kids were routy, and yelled at the screen. Some stood out of their seats cheering. The propaganda film sounded much like one straight out of the 1930's or 40's. It talked about plans for ethnic cleansing, and how people would basically need to go into hiding during this time, but come out of their hiding places to see a "more peaceful" earth. I thought it was sick, especially the cheering from the desensitized young crowd.
Then, I found myself not an on-looker into this scene which had been told from 2nd person, but now sitting in the theater and from my own 1st person perspective.
I was slightly confused about what exactly was going on, and then some kid sitting in the row in front of me turned around and said, "This is gonna be crazy, I can't believe we're gonna to do this. We're gonna to need to get out before it happens, you know?"
"Uh huh...." I said. I wasn't talking really, just listening.
"Yeah, so they've got nukes and stuff, but it's really all about Van. Van is like the big one.... yeah, so.. you know where you're going to be?" He asked me.
"Um... no..." I said.
"Well you better figure it out! ...Cause this shit's happening soon, you know, and you don't want to be stuck" He just kept going on and on, and where it ends gets hazy in my memory.
Some amount of time passed between this part and the next. I'd say about a day. I'd been nearly arrested during this time, and it's too foggy to recall it in the dream. They let me go though. Almost everyone I'd known had also been either arrested or pulled over during this time. So, with these elements belonging to the timeline of the dream, I found myself with Ryan in a skyrise hotel, about a day and a half later.
Ryan and I were guests in a a skyrise hotel, in a huge city which was either New York, or just looked alot like it. (My guess is that it simply represented a huge city, but wasn't New York directly.) There was a sense of caution while we were staying there, like we were hiding out. I was telling him about what I'd learned, and about some kind of weapon, called Van. (or V.A.N.? This might have been an abreviated word) I told him about what I'd seen in the film the other day and the kid who asked me where I was going to be when shit hit the fan, and that it was all going to happen soon, but unsure of when exactly.
Time passed while we were in our hotel room. We didn't leave. We watched the news alot. Our window which looked down at the city below spanned the entire room, from floor to ceiling and from left to right side the entire wall was a glass window. We were looking down at the city alot.
Night had just fallen, and I was still looking down at the city. There were night clubs dotted all the way down the boullevard with tons of people coming in and out of all of them. I started to notice fleets of police officers arriving in the streets in armored cars all along the street below, in full riot gear.
I focused in on the night club which was directly in front of the hotel, and just then a massive crowd poured out of the building. They were coming so fast they nearly trampled over eachother. They were coughing and holding their mouths. A couple of them just dropped down as soon as they got outside.
The same happened in the building next door. Then, there was fighting amongst the crowd, which seemed to make things even more confusing. People were running everywhere, and I could hear screaming.
"Oh my god, look at this, what the hell is going on!?" I asked Ryan.
We just stood there in shock, staying calm all the while.
I went to the Tv to flip around and find a news channel, but I couldn't find anything about it. I threw the remote back on the bed and went back to the window. Now the crowds looked much more tamed and there were less people than before, and the streets now had tons of trash everywhere. The police seemed to have things fully contained. They made sheilded formations with their bodies, by standing side by side and moving together. They'd gather a small crowd of people that way, and move them, collectivley into a bus. It was understood now, that they were simply taking people away.
I stood there and thought to myself, is this why so many good people I knew had been arrested? And I was almost arrested as well. (These arrests happened at a previous time in the dream which is only a memory to the dream figure self, but in waking, have no recollection of.) Then, it came to my understanding that the arrests were actually attempts to save particular people. I realized that the few people I knew who had been arrested were probably taken away to somewhere safe without knowning why, but were simply being protected. Then I thought, "So... maybe I shouldn't have talked them out of arresting me.. They were trying to take me out of harms way... Oh great."
Ryan and I began to pace the room nervously as I explained to him what I thought was happening. I told him more about the movie theater and the kid who was talking to me.
"..and then he mentioned something called, 'Van'. What is that? Do you think this is Van?" I asked. "There was something in that film about a gas, too and those people below came out of that building coughing like they couldn't breath." He was just listening to me, saying that he didn't know what to do, except stay inside the hotel. I agreed with him, because trying to escape it by going out into the streets would be a deathwish. (We had turned our attentions away from the window during this time.)
I opened the front door of our room and peaked my head out into the hotel to see if anything was going on, but it was quiet. No sign of alarm or mayhem within the building. We felt generally safe there.
Hours had passed and I think we slept for a short time after staying up all night watching this happen. Just a few hours though. Then we got up again and put on the Tv in case we could find anything on the news about it. I think there were some mentions of rioting going on in New York, but no menitons of the actual scale of things. Ryan and I were pacing again. Then I saw something enormous move into view. It was floating, and was moving down the street.
"Oh my god! Bianca! What the...." Ryan said
It was a grey blimp, moving toward the window. It was the same height as the floor we were on, and when it moved in front of our window, it took up the whole space of the window, blocking our view with grey rubber.
"Okay, I think this is Van, this is it. We can't breath it, Ryan, what do we do?" Just then, we both looked up at the only air vent in the ceiling and at the same time, jumped up on the bed trying to reach the vent. Being the taller of us, Ryan was able to yank the steel grid piece of the vent, off of the ceiling. "What can we use?" I said.
"A blanket, get a blanket. We need tape too." He said.
"Tape? We don't have tape in here!" I said, and looked for a good blanket to stuff the vent with in the bed. "How about this one?"
"That's fine" He said, and grabbed it, and began to stuff up the vent with the blanket. Afterward, he put the gridded vent cover back into the ceiling plugging the rest of it up.
I think we grabbed the comforter on the bed, as well and lined the bottom of the front door as well. We were basically trying to seal the room off. I was worried because we were so close to it all. I looked back at the window, and I could hardly see through it because of how much smoke the blimp was pouring out. The blimp was now a couple buildings down. I could see parts of the street, and there was tons of traffic, but none of the cars were moving, it looked like a gridlock.
"Are we gonne be okay?" I asked Ryan. We were both terrified.
~~Then I woke up~~
And that's it. I came the the computer to right it down.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
That Beach Again
We were sitting there having a picnic, talking and laughing. I was watching the ocean swell up, and noticed a change in the rhythm of the waves. After one of the waves seemed a little bigger than the last I said, "The next one is going to be really huge, guys". I grabbed the blankets and my purse and bags on the sand and tried to move them closer inland.
No one understood what I was trying to say until they saw the wave swell themselves. It was HUGE. It grew up over our heads, and grew taller and taller, until it looked as tall as a 10 or 14 story building, still not breaking yet as it gathered more volume.
"Okay! Get your stuff guys, help me!" We all tried to get our belongings which were strewn across the sand and move it further back, and just then the wave toppled over in front of us. It rolled on toward us very fast devouring everything in it's path, but settled once it was just a few feet from us. It did get some of our stuff wet, but barley kissed our blanket before it receded back toward the ocean side.

My Uncle Marvin who was now sitting in a beach chair behind me said, "Hey Bianca, did I ever show you how to measure a wave? Get a piece of paper and a pen." I got a paper and pen and gave it to him, and he held the paper up to the horizon in front of us. He drew while he held is up. Along the horizon line where the earth met the sky, he traced the paper from one edge to the other so that the line on the paper matched the same horizon line in front of us. Then he drew the tide line, where the beach met the sand while it was stationary. Then he made notches along side of the left edge of the paper, evenly spaced the way a ruler is. Then he said, "Using this graph, you wait for a wave to come up, and holding it up like this, you mark the top of it off at the highest point. That's your wave. Then the next one you can mark off too, and you can see if they're getting bigger or smaller."
He gave me the paper and I held it up waiting for the next wave. The next one was almost as big, but not as threatening as the first. My cousins (who were his children but in waking life he only has one girl, but I think there were more kids) They were looking over my shoulder, so cute and excited about seeing the graph work.
The wave I marked off was smaller than the first, and didn't seem threatening, but I insisted, "There's going to be a bigger one soon though guys. This isn't safe we should move away from the water"
We picked up all of our stuff and headed back to the strand. We walked through the town which was made up of small streets and cute little beach homes. It was lively, and people were out, and about. We came to the center of town which was much more built up, and modernized. There was a huge mall (Lots of huge concrete structures in my dreams lately.) at the center of the town in front of us, which looked very much out of place in the rural beach town. It had escalators wrapping all around the sides of it of the building, like the tentacles of some giant mechanical monster. Everything was larger than normal.
The store windows were oversized as well, and ran from floor to ceiling with super posh, elegant clothes inside. Even the clothes seemed to be oversized. I had no inclination to go inside any of the stores, and was surprised to hear someone from the group say that we should take an escalator up into the mall, pointing at the moving staircase nearest us by the sidewalk. We stepped up one by one. It was a very long slow ride up the escalator and probably took us hundreds of feet into the air before finally dropping us off on the inside of the mall, which was sort of an indoor-outdoor mezzanine level place. I looked above me and the place was completely marbleized, and echoing with the voices of the crowds. The inside of the enormous building looked to be of Roman architecture, except with less columns than you expect with something Roman. There were lots of gardens and water fountains. There were restaurants with dining areas that opened into the main center of the building. I think the ceiling was dome shaped in a stain glass. There were multiple levels along the sides of the structure that revealed other floors, and many other stairwells and escalators connecting them together. The place was enormous. It wasn't like a mall really, but the only way I can really describe it. Everything was very shiny, and mostly marble.
(1.)Now, writing this out I reminds me of other dreams in which I've seen this place, but I'll detail them later in another section. This is definitely not the same mall as the one in the previously recorded dream I called "On a Mission". That mall/structure was more dirty and ugly, and the people there were degenerates. This mall was the complete opposite; updated and architecturally beautiful.
Again, I felt under-dressed and awkward having just come from the beach. My hair was damp, and I was in flip flops. The place was just so perfect that I became self-conscious of weather I looked like belonged or not. I passed a busboy who was working one of the restaurants near the escalator. He looked up at me, and I smiled, but he sort of glared as though he knew how apprehensive I was feeling.
Somehow, my group split up, to walk around and explore. My Uncle went somewhere with his wife, and Blaise with Kim headed in another direction, and I told them I'd meet them all somewhere, later on.
I was with someone too, (faceless/nameless but a friend) But then I separated from that person too and I found myself alone. I wandered into a place that looked like a theater lobby, or conference area that had dining as well. The first room had many different halls connecting to different paths. I walked down one of them, and came to an open-air type of place, where I could see the sky above me, it was now twighlight. There was a man-made stream which ran under the pathway I'd been following which formed a bridge over the water. There were lots of ferns and plants growing alongside the stream, and all it was obvious that it was perfectly landscaped by a person. Definitely man-made, like something out of the Venetian hotel in Vegas, except not as tacky.
The pathway then led to a small room which connected to it three or four more rooms. In one, sat people who seemed to be in some kind of an official meeting, or congregation. They were older, and very elegant, having lively and thoughtful conversations. I watched them for a short time, and realizing I was in a place I shouldn't be, I turned around to find my way back out.
I ran into Ryan in the hall. I don't think he was in my dream at all before this. I said, "Hey! What are you doing here?"
"Oh I'm having dinner, the food is great come sit down I have a table!" He said. He was really happy and comfortable, and seemed like he'd been hanging out there for a while.
I asked him if it was okay that he and I were there, and he said "Yeah of course, what do you think someone's going to kick you out? They don't care, everyone's cool here, come sit down" Or something to that effect.
I told him I'd meet him at the table, and he asked me to grab some desert from the buffet table. (not like a normal buffet area, but more just a round table, with desserts sitting there for anyone) I felt strange, like I'd snuck into the place. Just all around uncomfortable, and it was probably because of being under-dressed and feeling grubby, and also having come from a place that was so much more organic, and free. (the picnic on the beach)
There was an old man standing near the buffet table who looked like a butler, or waiter. He stood there looking straight ahead until I got closer. He nodded at me as I came up to the table. He didn't seem think anything odd of my presence and was quite friendly. His company made me feel more welcome. "Yogurt, Madame?" He said.
"Yes, thank you." I stood there thinking, feeling slightly flustered. I started to realize I was standing there thinking too long and as a result, I became confused about which cups I wanted. The cups were silver, and super shiny. Inside were different colors of yogurt, I remember a lime green one, and a orangey-beige one. All of them had a slice of fruit on the edge of the glass as garnish. They were staked on top of eachother the way a "champagne fountain" is stacked. The table had an enormous flower arrangement at the center of it which towered above me. " I'll take this one. I'm going to grab two actually, thanks so much" I replied, and took two of the orangey-beige ones to the table.
"Help yourself" he said. And nodded again, the way a gentlemen nods.
Walking back, I wondered if I should even stay. I think I took the yogurt cups to the table where Ryan were sitting and put them down, and said I'd be right back. This part is sort of hazy, and I almost have a recollection of not going to the table at all, and just leaving from there.
It's hazy, and I remember both scenarios happening. This part doesn't matter anyway. Alot of this dream is pretty meaningless, but alot of it is also reoccurring which is why I'm taking the time to actually write it out. The fact that I've been here before is why I'm taking the time. I'm sure, hardly anyone has actually made it this far down the page anyway, because I'm realizing it's kind of a boring dream, but it doesn't matter, because this is more for the sake of recording dreams, and less about having them read. (Although I do welcome it)
After dropping off the deserts (or not dropping off the deserts) I walked out of the area and back into the giant Central Lobby, where I had come from, leaving Ryan there at the table. I wanted to find my way out of the building and maybe wait for my family outside. I felt a little stressed. In waking life, I get this feeling in some social situations. If I don't feel right, I want to leave, and everytime I make eye contact with someone during this kind of moment, I take it personal, and think they don't like me or something. (I'm not always like that, but I get it from time to time)
I found the escalator and went down, but it didn't take me back down to the outside! It took me to different level, which was totally unfamiliar to me. I started to freak out a little. I went back and looked back up the escalator and wondered if I should just run back up it, and outrun it's continual descent.
A tired, bland looking woman at the top with tons of shopping bags stopped at the top seeing that I might start running up, and I think she asked me, "Are you going to run up?"
I smiled at her, "Yeah, I'm going to try, haha! I don't know how to get out of this place! I think I'm lost!" And I jammed on up the escalator moving the opposite direction as me, and after gaining speed I finally got back up to the Central Lobby. I had to rethink how I was going to get out, and risk getting lost. I asked people passing me the best way to get out, and they all just pointed back down the escalator again. So, I just went back down again and tried to find my way from that level instead. I just got more, and more lost. The place was huge. I think eventually I ran into my Uncle Marvin and Blaise again. I told them everywhere that I'd been and that I'd gotten myself lost.
Then another hazy moment.... I'm not sure what happened, weather they led me out and told me simply that "It was easy, the way out is right here", or if it just ended there. I probably can't remember exactly how it ended because...
~~~I woke up.~~~
Not a real amazing dream or anything, but... I'm going to keep my dream journal strictly about getting details in, and as many of them as I can remember regardless if it's interesting or not. I don't know...
I just think it's good to record dreams.
(1.) Toward the first half of the dream, I said that I'd detail the other dreams which were set in the same beach town, which match up geographically, and I can literally draw a map of. Maybe later on today, or tomorrow I'll make a map and post it.
In one of the dreams from a while back, I saw that big mall-like building at the center of the town, making this dream the second time I saw the big mall-type place at the center of the beach town), but I only saw the outside of the building that first time. (I was in a car in traffic trying to get through town, but this enormous building was in the way and I couldn't get around it, as all streets seemed to unavoidably lead to the building, and most of them being blocked by traffic. Other dreams also have the giant waves in the beginning, like this one. I'll post them somewhere else so I don't take up so much room with all of this.
Here is the link to the reoccurring dreams blog:
They are Beachtown Dreams (which often feature huge waves, or a beautiful calm ocean, the giant mall at the center of town) Drawn out map coming soon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
On A Mission
It was understood that I was supposed to go in to this concrete structure for short amount of time, and then leave by a certain time. I had a list I was given (By who, I don't know.) I had to retrieve the items from the list, which were very specific, and sort of escape me right now. One of the places I had to go to was a beauty supply store, for one of the items on the list, which I thought to be pretty meaningless. The only details about the items where that they had colors. Like, "A red hair band", and things like, "a white eyeliner pencil", and "Blue Pen". But not those specifically, but just as meaningless though. (I thought, why in the world do they need a red hair band? You can get those anywhere.) I didn't know why I had to get these items or what they were for, I just knew I had to get them. It was just what I had to do.
The store owner in the beauty supply shop was mean and with a think accent said, "What you want in my store!" almost in a yelling tone. He wobbled over towards me with his fat little body. I was in a hurry, and said I just needed a couple things. He stood there and watched me while I looked for them in big box on the counter.
I was with a group of people who were faceless/nameless but were friends. They waited for me outside of the store, and were there when I came out. I didn't explain to any of them that I had a list, or that I wasn't stuck there like they were, or that I would be leaving shortly after I collected my items. They did know I had to go somewhere, but not that I was leaving the entire concrete structured city, altogether. They were hungry and wanted to eat somewhere, but the lines were so long in these tiny sized fast-food joints, and they were bickering with eachother over where to eat. I kept saying, "Just forget it, don't eat that crap, eat later somewhere else. And besides I have to go."
I was late. I had to be out of the mall-like structure by a certain time and was continually checking my watch. I separated from the group, and looked for my car, which I had trouble finding because the place was laid out like a maze. Everything - every angle of view looked completely identical. Which was confusing, and disorrienting.
A man came from somewhere unseen, and walked up to me. He was in business attire, and real clean cut. He explained to me that he'd help me find my car, but I had to follow him. He started running, and we ran all over the place. Downstairs, around corners, everywhere. But, he seemed to know where he was going.
Along the way, he explained that there are people in tents who have selected the right areas to camp in, that were "like doorways", or something to that effect. He said only a small handful of people were doing it, but you'd have to get the right kind of tent.
He pointed out some pitched tents along the way, which were directly under an old stunted, dried out tree.
He said, "They're doing it all wrong. Wrong location, wrong tent"
He told me that there were many others, which were in the right areas, but "way out there". And he pointed off somewhere. I slowed down to look at the people in the tents, and gathered that the shape he meant which was the correct one, was probably a perfect pyramid. He didn't tell me this directly, it was just something that I figured to be the case. The "place" he was talking about, I thought would probably have to be special one. A blessed place, that was more sacred than the one I was looking at there in the concrete city-sized-mall, under the only wilted tree in sight. Because there weren't any other trees in sight except this one, I gathered that the tent had to be under some kind of heavenly portal; the fact that these particular tents were under a tree, made me think of of nature, which made me think of divinity, and that they were lookng for some kind of divine place. Their desperation was sad to me because I understood their picking the tree as a special place, because the tree was part of nature, but so wilted and tired looking, and it was all they could do. They were stuck in the concrete city.
I think (I say I think because this detail is hazy) that the tents were being hoarded in some way. They were kicking eachother out of of eachother's tents, saying, "This is my place, get your own tent". (The reason I'm unsure is because I'm not sure how this tied into the next part, which was finding my car. The scene just skipped I think)
Eventually we came to my car, and the man needed a ride as well, so he jumped in with me. He knew the way out of the huge city-sized-mall-like-parking-garage-like structure, for lack of a better term. We waited in a line of cars, and came up to an attendant, and with granted access, we were out of there.
~~~~And that was it, I woke up.~~~~~
This had a very post-apocoliptic feeling to it. The people in that city-sized-parking-garage looking sort of structure seemed to have been stuck there. I felt lucky not to have to be stuck there, but I was being used somehow in order to retrieve items and bring them to the outside world, like some kind of mission or something. I don't know who the man in the suit was, but in some moments, he kind of looked like Barak Obama, other times he looked like a plain white guy in a suit.